Montag, 11. Juli 2011

news news news nyaa ♥

 hey guys! ♥

I have been sick for about two weeks >O<
it's terrible!
but now I want to post something new! :3

Last weekend was the marriage of my cousin. She looked wonderful in her dress!
It was awesome, because this was my first marriage and I was so excited.
Besides I had to draw a picture for a "Ponyo"-competition I wanted to join in.

On friday was my last japanese lesson for this semester. We wachted a movie called Houkekyo Tonari no Yamada-kun (My neighbors the Yamadas).
soo funny and cute! :3

On saturday I met m,y friends Henne, Julliana and my boyfriend Jey-Jey. We went shopping and had a great time eating "My Swirls", going from shop to shop etc.

Yesterday there was a Convention called AmiRu in Dortmund my friends and I went to.
I wore my new red wig Henne bought for me from Hong Kong.
The weather was really hot and the chocolate of my cookies melted. >O<
I liked to watch the performence of K!seki, a german musical cosplay group. ^___^
Unfortunately I didn't win any price for my "Ponyo" picture...
But anyway it was a really nice day and we had lots of fun! :3

Today was the second anniversary of my boyfriend and me. I was very nervous, because I baked him a cake out of muffin dough ^^' and it slumped down a bit and I wasn't sure if it tastes good.
I bought a lock for us, which we want to place on a bridge called "Schlossbrücke" in Köln.
All along the balustrade you can find locks of couples who engrave their names into the lock. :3
My boyfriend was really happy about the rose I gave him and the plushie I made for him. It's a mixture of a tofu plushie and a polliwog I think. ^/////^
He also like my cake. I'm glad about it. :3

my boyfriend and his new plushie called Chuu ♥


here are some pictures of my new wigs

the wig I bought at the dokomi
the wig without braids

my favourite! :3

i love it!

this is the wig for my next cosplay "Rathty" from "Tears to Tiara! ^^


me baking ^////^

milk tastes good^o^

what a wonderful day! ♥

hope you enjoyed it :3

chuu ♥
