Montag, 13. Juni 2011


a picture taking by a friend :3

On saturday I went to the Dokomi with my friends. It was fantastic, even when we went there too late and we had to wait more than half an hour for a ticket. First I had problems with my 'weapon', because it was too acute. Unfortunately I had to sand it, so that it lose its colour. :(


There were soooo much people and a lot of very good cosplayers.
Sometimes I couldn't stop looking at their costumes, because they looked so wonderful.
  I was so excited when a friend of mine showed her costume at the Elword-Cosplay competition.
I was happy for her winning the 3rd prize.
Even when it was full of people we were able to see most of the program.

We met some friends in the Lucky Chocolate, a maid cafe, which is very popular beside the Sweet Spice, a host club.
 It was fun to listen to Suika, a well-known singer from Youtube and to watch the performance of Shinji Schneider, a good comedian who spezialize in anime and Manga comedy.
We often went to the Bring and Buy where you could buy costumes, CDs, DVDs, Mangas, figures, bags...etc.
I bought a blond, curly wig, a strawberry-bag and two volumes of Manga Love Story.

A picture of a Keiichi cosplay and me as Rena :3

Hope you enjoyed reading this post .


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